Field Notes, History

Rosie the Riveter

Women served in World War II in the home front. Rosie The Riveter Trust – National Park is dedicated to preserving these memories. We recommend to view oral histories.

Visit to learn more and view online materials.

Betty Reid Soskin, 98, worked in Richmond's shipyard during the war and shares her memories with visitors. (Zuma Press/Alamy)

Betty Reid Soskin, 98, worked in Richmond’s shipyard during the war and shares her memories with visitors. (Zuma Press/Alamy)

Betty is featured in a Vimeo documentary, No Time to Waste. This is “the story of a 98-year-old National Park Ranger described as “Bette Davis, Angela Davis and Yoda, all rolled into one.”

I had the privilege to meet her as a graduate student at the @ncph conference in #Monterey, CA.
#fbf #rosietheriveter

Would you be interested in a Zoom hosted WWII Home front presentation? Email me at to share your thoughts and participate. We could discuss material culture through the lenses of fashion and workplace.

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