Women served in World War II in the home front. Rosie The Riveter Trust – National Park is dedicated to preserving these memories. We recommend rosietheriveter.org to view oral histories.
Visit historynet.com/remembering-rosie-the-riveter-in-richmond-california.htm to learn more and view online materials.
Betty Reid Soskin, 98, worked in Richmond’s shipyard during the war and shares her memories with visitors. (Zuma Press/Alamy)
Betty is featured in a Vimeo documentary, No Time to Waste. This is “the story of a 98-year-old National Park Ranger described as “Bette Davis, Angela Davis and Yoda, all rolled into one.”
I had the privilege to meet her as a graduate student at the @ncph conference in #Monterey, CA.
#fbf #rosietheriveter
Would you be interested in a Zoom hosted WWII Home front presentation? Email me at jennifer@70degrees.org to share your thoughts and participate. We could discuss material culture through the lenses of fashion and workplace.