
70°Conservation Lab

We suggest that archival materials should be catalogued in Omeka, ArchivesSpace, CONTENTdm, or other collection management software. We preserve and conserve your collections with care. Our approach is using archival grade materials to house your physical items and create digital records. We maintain original arrangement principles and best practices when organizing your materials in the conservation lab. You can consult our book list for more reading.

Jennifer and Cindy are Founding Directors at the Moulton Museum that opened September 2022. This Orange County pioneer family, led by Lewis Fenno Moulton and Nellie Gail Moulton, owned and operated Rancho Niguel. It became the Moulton Ranch, a 21,723 acres agricultural, sheep, and cattle operation. We conduct oral histories with the Moulton family and ranchers who operated this enterprise in partnership with OC Public Libraries. These interviews are available at OC Stories hosted by CONTENTdm. They include historical images, videos, and audio. View Eddie Grijalva’s story in the small town of El Toro and experiences on the Moulton Ranch. Jennifer reported the Moulton Museum partnership activities to the OC Historical Commissioners for their March 5th, 2019 meeting and February 4, 2020 meeting.

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